You contribute from each payroll for 2 years to buy Micro Focus shares at a discounted price.
Subject to your participation in previous offers, you may be able to save from $10 up to 10% of your gross base salary per pay period (up to a maximum of $25,000 per year across all offers). The amount is then deducted from your net salary.
Subject to the total capacity you have under the IRS limits and our own maximum cap of 10,000 shares per offer (increased from 3,000 shares for offers prior to February 2021), you will be able to buy shares following the end of the offer period at the lower of the share price either as at the start of the offer or as at maturity plus additional 15% discount applied to the share price.
If your circumstances change or you change your mind, you can get your contributions refunded at any time prior to the end of the two year offer period.
ESPP Brochure
ESPP Calculator
The ESPP invitation is now closed. Announcements will be made before the next invitation window opens.
Remember you should read the important information and Terms and Conditions before you apply.
If you have previously used the Computershare online service but cannot remember your PIN, log into the website using your Global ID, click “Forgotten PIN?” and follow the instructions to receive a new one. If you were eligible to join a previous share plan, a PIN would have been issued to you then. If you cannot remember your PIN, log onto the website using your Global ID, click “Forgotten PIN?” and follow the instructions to receive a new one.
Please contact Computershare toll-free at 866-654-2954 or 781-575-2465 (outside the US and for Canada) for assistance with your forgotten or lost credentials.